Tips & Tricks

What is a Video Encoder?

11 min read
What is a Video Encoder

Video streaming is a booming industry. With the rise of its market size, the technologies behind it are also advancing. There are multiple challenges faced when it comes to streaming video content. Transmission of large video files and smooth playback are cores of them. The video encoding process allows it to compress and optimize video files for streaming.

A video encoder makes it possible to convert source video files into optimized and smaller chunks of data. These compressed and optimized videos can be transmitted over the internet easily. This allows for smooth streaming with minimal buffering and latency.

A video encoder is a software or hardware solution that uses algorithms to reduce the video file size without losing quality. It compresses raw video files into a suitable digital video format for online streaming. The encoder also ensures that the video is optimized for streaming on devices like smartphones and tablets.

In this blog, we’ll discuss an encoder and its different types, features, and how they work. We will also cover the various aspects of video encoders, such as:

  • What is Video Encoding
  • Video Encoding Process
  • What is Video Encoder
  • Types of Multiple Video Encoders
  • Pros & Cons of Different Encoders
  • How an Encoder Affects Video Quality
  • The Advancement of Encoding Technology

Let’s start from the beginning!

What is Video Encoding?

Video encoding is converting digital video data into a different format. It is a critical process of producing and distributing digital content. Video encoding enables videos to be playable on various platforms and devices. The main purpose of video encoding is to reduce the size of the video data while maintaining a high visual quality level.

Video encoders use two methods for encoding:

  • Lossy Compression &
  • Lossless Video Compression.

Lossy video compression reduces the amount of data required for each frame by discarding information that’s deemed unnecessary or redundant.

Contrastingly, lossless video compression compacts data while safeguarding all information, ensuring that the original file is accurately reproduced upon decoding.

The most common codecs are H264 and H265. Both are considered very efficient at delivering high-quality results with minimized file sizes. Understanding which codecs are best suited for their hardware capabilities is essential. Different devices have various hardware specifications that can limit the formats they support, so finding the right one will be key.

Understanding the Encoding Process

The encoding process involves four distinct stages:

  • Preprocessing
  • Compression
  • Encoding
  • Packaging and delivery.

Let’s break it down.


This is the first step in the encoding process. In this stage, the raw video data is analyzed to prepare it for encoding. This includes inspecting the content for any errors or flaws that may affect the final product. In this phase, an encoder can make shade adjustments and sound attenuation improvements to enhance the video’s excellence. Furthermore, it may include subtitles or descriptions during this phase too.


Compression is done to reduce the file size of the video data while still maintaining its visual quality. Different compression techniques can be used depending on the desired output format type. Lossless compression methods are ideal if a high degree of detail needs to be preserved. However, they tend to result in larger file sizes than lossy compression techniques, which remove some of the detail from the original image but produce much smaller files. The trade-off between file size and quality must be carefully considered when deciding which compression method to use during this stage.

Video Encoding

Encoding takes place after preprocessing and compression have been completed. At this stage, multiple algorithms are utilized to process the video data into a format ideal for streaming on various devices and networks. It’s essential to understand which codecs work best with what format. It helps to ensure that your video content is correctly showcased on each device and platform. This way, you can ensure a quality playback experience for your viewers everywhere!

Packaging and Delivery

The last step in the encoding process is packaging and delivery. Once all other steps have been completed, the encoded video can be sent off through streaming or packaged for download or playback, depending on user preferences. The DRM encryption process will ensure the copyrights’ safety and prevent unauthorized access or distribution before content delivery. A video decoder decodes the encoded data back into its original format and is essential for the smooth playback of video.

What is a Video Encoder?

A video encoder is a device, software application, or digital system that compresses an analog or digital video signal into a compressed digital format. This process is known as video encoding. The encoder uses compression algorithms (codecs) to reduce the data required to convey the same information while preserving its quality.

The encoder takes an uncompressed digital video signal from sources such as a camera, television, video player, etc., and then digitizes it. It then compresses it with video codecs to reduce file size and improve streaming performance. The type of codec used will determine the level of compression achieved and, therefore, how much quality will be lost in the transfer process. Once compressed, the encoded data can be packaged into a container for transmission across networks or storage on hard disks.

Different Types of Video Encoders:

There are numerous choices when it comes to video encoding. Each encoder type has unique features and capabilities, and selecting the best one for your purpose is essential. The four main types of video encoders are

  • Software encoder
  • Hardware encoder
  • Cloud encoder
  • Live encoder

Software Encoders:

Software encoders are computer programs that change the digital video into a format that can be streamed or downloaded. These programs range from free, open-source solutions to complex, professional-grade programs with many features and options. Most of the time, video encoding software are used for webcasting, archiving, distributing, and playing back on mobile devices. Software encoders have a lot of customization options and are less expensive than other types of encoders.


  • Video encoder software are cheap or free.
  • They run on Windows, Mac, and Linux and are easy to use.
  • Software encoders can encode many file formats and codecs.
  • They offer many encoding options to customize video quality and size.


  • The speed and quality of software encoders are usually limited by the computer or server they run on.
  • They have bugs, crashes, and compatibility issues like other software, making them less reliable than hardware encoders.
  • Some hardware encoders produce better video.

Hardware Encoders

Hardware encoders are physical devices that turn digital video into an encoded format as part of a complete system solution. They have quick encoding times and require the user to do very little during setup and configuration. Regarding large files or high bitrates, hardware encoders work better than software solutions because their hardware is better designed. But hardware encoders can be more expensive than software solutions and may not be as flexible in terms of how they can be customized or how they can work with other services.


  • Hardware encoders are optimized for video encoding, performing better and producing better video than software encoders.
  • They are less prone to bugs, crashes, and compatibility issues than software encoders.
  • They’re versatile for live and recorded video.
  • Some hardware encoders can directly record videos, eliminating the need for recording equipment.


  • Hardware encoders cost more than software encoders, which may limit their use.
  • They are harder to configure than software encoders.
  • Since they are format- and codec-specific, they may not be as flexible as software encoders.

Cloud Encoders

Cloud Encoders use cloud computing infrastructure from companies like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure to turn digital video into an encoded format on demand without requiring expensive hardware investments upfront. Cloud-based encoding services are easy to set up and can be scaled up or down as needed. This is because you only pay for what you use, and you don’t have to pay for hardware that sits around unused when demand is low. However, they can be more expensive than a hardware solution.


  • Cloud encoders can scale up or down to handle large numbers of video encoding jobs.
  • For remote workers, they’re convenient.
  • Users don’t have to buy or maintain expensive encoding equipment because they don’t need it.
  • Users only pay for the resources they use, so they are cost-effective.


  • Cloud encoders suffer from network lag, downtime, and security issues like other cloud services, making them less reliable than hardware encoders.
  • Some hardware encoders produce better video.
  • Poor internet connectivity can cause issues for them.
  • Due to cloud uploading, they may not be suitable for sensitive or high-security content.

Live Encoders

Live encoders are unique hardware and software stream live events like concerts or sports games. These devices usually have special parts made for live event streaming, like multiple HLS streams with adaptive bitrate support. Live encoders also usually come with features like low-latency streaming modes.


  • Live encoders are designed for real-time live video encoding.
  • The live event and video stream have low latency.
  • They can stream live video to multiple platforms, making them versatile for reaching a broad audience.
  • Live encoders can record video streams and edit them later.


  • Some users cannot afford live encoders.
  • First-time encoder users may find them harder to set up and configure.
  • Due to their format and codec restrictions, they may not be as flexible as other encoders.
  • Live streaming optimizes them, so they may not work for recorded video.

How Video Encoders Affect Video Quality:

Regarding the visual quality of a video, encoding holds vast importance. High-quality videos depend on several factors like resolution, frame rate, bit rate, and compression ratio – all of which can be altered through an effective encoder!


Encoded video resolution is how sharp and detailed the image will appear on a given device. The higher the resolution, the better quality video can be produced. Encoders can adjust the resolution of your video to suit different screens.

Frame rate:

Frame rate is the number of frames displayed per second of a video. Encoders can help to adjust this rate according to the type of device you’re viewing on.


Video bitrate is the data used to represent a given frame in your video. Encoders give you control over how much data the video will use, allowing you to achieve a balance between quality and file size.

Compression ratio:

The compression ratio defines the amount of compression used to reduce the file size. Encoders are powerful tools that can help you modify the ratio for peak performance and conveniently adjust parameters such as GOP length and I-frame interval.

Importance of Video Encoders in Streaming and Online Video

Without video encoders, streaming and online videos would be impossible. These remarkable tools effectively link media with devices, allowing people to watch whatever content they desire on any device or platform imaginable. By encoding the data, they ensure it works on different devices and platforms and reduce file sizes so videos can be streamed without buffering or lag.

Video encoders also help businesses reach a wider audience by ensuring that videos can be played on multiple platforms. This lets people watch videos on their phones, tablets, computers, and smart TVs, among other devices. Because of this, video encoders are an important part of streaming services that want to make money from their content.

This is important for giving viewers a smooth viewing experience. Live-streaming technologies have come a long way in the past few years, and video encoders have been a big part of that. They allow businesses to grow quickly with little hardware or software infrastructure investment.

Another big benefit of using video encoders is that it gives producers more control over the stream quality they send. For example, they can change settings like resolution and bitrate depending on the user’s bandwidth or device. This keeps playback from lagging or buffering when it shouldn’t. Also, by using certain codecs, it is possible to get higher compression rates while keeping the same level of quality. This gives live streaming services a better value for the money they spend on data transfer costs.

Advancements in Video Encoding Technology

In recent years, video encoding technology improvements have changed how we watch and stream videos and other media. The High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) format is probably the most important. It has allowed streaming videos twice the resolution for the same bit rate. This helps a lot when streaming high-quality 4K and 8K Ultra HD content, which needs a lot of data to be sent.

Recent changes have also been made to cloud-based encoding services, which allow users to encode videos quickly and accurately by securely storing them on a remote server. For Virtual Reality to work, it will also need new encoding formats so that each user can enjoy smooth playback with stable images and an immersive sense of reality. Improvements in video encoding technology are making huge steps toward changing the media streaming industry and giving viewers new ways to consume content.


Video encoding is a complex process requiring accurate preprocessing and the right encoder type to achieve optimal results. With technological advances, such as High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), streaming videos at twice the resolution for the same bit rate as before is possible. The cloud-based video encoding services are also easy to set up and can be scaled up or down depending on your needs. You can control how much data your video will use by leveraging these tools while maintaining high visual quality levels. An effective encoder should help you create stunningly beautiful visuals without sacrificing file size or performance.

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