Castr vs. Vimeo: Similarities and Differences
Both Castr and Vimeo let you live stream to multiple social channels and your website simultaneously.

Vimeo doesn’t disclose how they deliver content, which is the reason why Vimeo’s been criticized by its customers regarding slow buffering time. Vimeo also sell as “Unlimited Viewers, Events, Bandwith, Livestreams” but it’s not true.
Below are words from Vimeo users:
“I’m absolutely disgusted with vimeo. I basically stream about 4-5 funerals a week combining about 8-10 hours of streaming. I pay £860 ish a year but they now want to charge me £4k a year as I’ve gone over what they consider “fair usage” and if I don’t they will get rid of my account. Absolutely disgraceful. Beware all you who sign up to their “unlimited streaming package” as it’s not actually unlimited and is completely misleading.”
Vimeo User 1

“Turns out if you stream more than 4TB per month Vimeo want you off their £650 a year package and want you on the enterprise package at £4K per year I thought as years went by allowance went up and price goes down turns out not.”
“Vimeo just called me about a webinar I signed up for and they informed me that the $75 monthly streaming plan is limited to 1000 viewers. I had never heard or seen this info anywhere and was quite surprised.”

Vimeo User 3
Vimeo User 2

“I have used Vimeo Live for several projects the last years, but the last months the broadcasts are freezing at least once a night.”

Vimeo User 4
“I’ve been talking to Vimeo for weeks. Because why do they sell it as Unlimited Viewers, Events, Bandwith, Livestreams. If I have already exceeded my limit after 8 streams of about 1.5 hours.”
Vimeo User 5

In contrast, Castr partners with top-tier, widely used Akamai & Fastly CDN to deliver video content without latency or downtime. And we are always transparent on what we sell.

Castr is always there for you with 24/7 dedicated tech support at no extra cost, whereas Vimeo charge additional fee for support

Castr is half the cost of Vimeo