Castr and GDPR

Last updated: Apr 27, 2022

Castr is fully committed to achieving and upholding ongoing compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
GDPR is a piece of legislation that is designed to strengthen and unify data protection laws for all individuals within the European Union.
We do not sell your personal information to anyone. Castr has never provided any customer data to any third party unless required for the provision of Castr services. Castr is pursuing compliance with GDPR to make sure our customers can be confident that all data about private individuals and entities is handled with the care it deserves.

Here’s a high-level overview of our GDPR Compliance:

  • Implement the required changes to our internal processes and procedures required to achieve and maintain compliance with GDPR
  • Ensure contracts with all third party and infrastructure partners with whom we exchange customer data for operational purposes are compliant
  • List all third party data processors, storage, and infrastructure partners
  • Build any new features and functionality with the requirements of GDPR in mind
  • Monitor GDPR related guidance and make the necessary changes


  • Intercom – Communication and customer service
  • InPlayer – Paywall services
  • Fastspring – Billing services
  • Stripe – Billing services
  • PayPal – Billing services
  • Slack – Communication and customer service
  • Google Analytics – Website analytics service
  • Heap – Website analytics service
  • Fullstory – Website analytics service

Your data rights

  • Access to an easy way for our clients to request access to, edit, and delete their personal information
  • Automatic deletion of data that our business no longer has any use for

Consent and communication

  • Communicate our compliance to all clients
  • Improve Cookie information
  • Offer a way to withdraw consent as easily as it was given
  • Regularly review policies for changes and effectiveness

If you are a company outside the EU, this still affects you

The provisions of the GDPR apply to any organization that processes personal data of individuals in the European Union, including tracking their online activities, regardless of whether the organization has a physical presence in the EU.

The privacy and security of our clients and their users are of the utmost importance to us.

If you have any questions, you may send them to [email protected]